Tell You What: Death Zine


New York Times bestselling author Beth Lisick collaborated with Creativity Explored to continue her line of creative nonfiction with a series titled Tell You What. In her series, Lisick conveys Creativity Explored artistsʼ philosophies on art and living through stories of her time in the studio.

Full color cover with Untitled by Anthony Gomez

16 pages

Quote from Death:
“Someone tried to put a nail through my hand and I was lucky I didn't die. Jesus wasn't so lucky.”
Walter Kresnik

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New York Times bestselling author Beth Lisick collaborated with Creativity Explored to continue her line of creative nonfiction with a series titled Tell You What. In her series, Lisick conveys Creativity Explored artistsʼ philosophies on art and living through stories of her time in the studio.

Full color cover with Untitled by Anthony Gomez

16 pages

Quote from Death:
“Someone tried to put a nail through my hand and I was lucky I didn't die. Jesus wasn't so lucky.”
Walter Kresnik

New York Times bestselling author Beth Lisick collaborated with Creativity Explored to continue her line of creative nonfiction with a series titled Tell You What. In her series, Lisick conveys Creativity Explored artistsʼ philosophies on art and living through stories of her time in the studio.

Full color cover with Untitled by Anthony Gomez

16 pages

Quote from Death:
“Someone tried to put a nail through my hand and I was lucky I didn't die. Jesus wasn't so lucky.”
Walter Kresnik

Wonderful Blackiful People: Bay Area Changemakers A to Z
5 and 2 Others Curated by Mildred Howard, Exhibition Catalog
Whipper Snapper Nerd 25th Anniversary Compilation by Manic D Press
Tell You What: Inspiration Zine
James Miles is a Girlfriend and a Boyfriend - Limited Edition Hard Cover