\ Be an Artist
Make art with us.
Miriam Munguia makes art with us.
What is Creativity Explored?
Creativity Explored is a community of people who make art. We all have intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Learn How to Make Art
Choose what classes you want to take.
Decide what art you want to make.
Share your art. Sell your art. Make friends!
Watch This Video
Make art.
Learn about art.
Meet artists like you.
How to Join Creativity Explored
Step 1: Contact us anytime
You, your family, your caretaker, your social worker or case manager can contact us.
Step 2: Tell your Regional Center
Your social worker or case manager can help you join Creativity Explored.
Don’t know who your social worker or case manager is? Ask a Regional Center, or us.
Golden Gate Regional Center (GGRC) www.ggrc.org
Regional Center of the East Bay (RCEB) www.rceb.org
Step 3: Try one class
Can I join Creativity Explored?
Do you like to make art?
Do you live in the Bay Area?
Do you get help from a Regional Center for people with disabilities?
Do you get help from a social worker or case manager?
Do you have an intellectual or developmental disability?
Autism? Down Syndrome? Cerebral Palsy?
Another disability?
Are you 18 or older? Will you be 18 soon?
Did you answer yes?
You may be able to join Creativity Explored.
Gerald’s Story
Gerald Wiggins joined Creativity Explored in 2008.
He uses pencils, watercolor, clay, and computers to make art. He draws people, animals, and magical creatures. Gerald also likes to draw people he sees in his neighborhood in San Francisco.
Gerald shows his art at galleries and fairs, and even at a bus stop.
Sometimes Gerald sells his art. He also teaches art.
He has made a lot of friends at Creativity Explored.
“Now that I am part of Creativity Explored, I’m more into my drawings. I draw with more detail.”
— Gerald Wiggins