Ursula Matthews

b. 1966, San Francisco∙ CE artist since 2018

Ursula Matthews has focused primarily on drawing and watercolor since joining the Creativity Explored studio program. Her work, at times, focuses on enigmatic narratives or points in time, while other works are quite figurative, drawing from magazines and other source imagery.

Matthews’ found art-making recently and first began making original paintings and drawings at CE2. Her multimedia approach is reflective of her exploratory practice, testing out various mediums. Many of her works include watercolor washes and backgrounds – Matthews tends to fill the entire surface with color, immersing her subjects in blue skies. While sheltering in place, Matthews has enjoyed working on mail art projects with her instructors and taking walks with her family.


Select Exhibitions & Projects

Bitchin', Creativity Explored, San Francisco, CA


Make art with us

Be an Artist

Samantha Mathews


Marcus McClure