Oleg Mardukhayev

b. 1959; Ukraine CE artist from 2000 - 2011

Oleg Mardukhayev often works with brushes or pastels attached to a strap over his hand. This enables him to work more easily and to direct his brushstrokes directly to the mat board or canvas. His works are often compilations of loose brushstrokes, and bold areas of color. Mardukhayev migrated from the Ukraine to San Francisco in 1982. He doesn’t communicate using words, and pays close attention to what is going on in the studio. Mardukhayev is one of the first artists at CE2 to meet new staff, artists and volunteers who enter Creativity Explored’s doors.


Select Exhibitions & Projects

The Power of Color, Creativity Explored, San Francisco, CA


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Gabriel Maduena


Samantha Mathews